Monday, May 17, 2010

mikey vs. the goons

The Punisher pages in the previous post might be the worst things I've ever drawn in my life. Soooo, to make up for it here's a picture of Michelangelo (the turtle, not the artist) fighting Bebop & Rocksteady.

A ninja turtle heals all wounds. I always say that.


  1. Hey Cory, Just by chance I stumbled upon your x-men pages you posted on JINXWORLD.
    They are fantastic and perfect for a couple of creator owned projects I have in the works.

    I have REAL connections with Arcana Comics, (the number 1 indy comic publisher in Canada), Oni Press, and other publishers.
    I would LOVE to bring you on board.

    Now these are all back end deals. I'm not getting paid upfront either. It would be a co-creator thing. That way if something pays off we both make money. That includes issues, trades, movies tv. Whatever. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you some more info on the projects an we can see if you want on board. ;)

  2. Thanks Mansloth!

    Watcher, I just sent you a message. Thanks!
